Constituency unemployment up almost 2000 since pandemic began

In one of the two St Helens Parliamentary constituencies, almost an additional 2000 people are unemployed since March. 

Unemployment is now up to 7.3% for the constituency, above the national average of 6.3%.

The St Helens South & Whiston constituency covers the southern half of the town, including the town centre and parts of neighbouring Knowsley.

This pattern was repeated across the country as there were 819,000 fewer workers in November than at the start of the pandemic.

Marie Rimmer MP said: “There was always going to be a lot of hardship due to the unprecedented situation we are in as a country. All countries are in the same boat, yet we are by far the worst hit of any major Western economy. The problem is that it has all been made worse due to the Government’s failure to get a grip on the inevitable economic crisis.

“I’ve lost count of the number of constituents that have been in touch to say they were made redundant right before the November furlough extension was announced. The one thing we know businesses hate and that is uncertainty, they want to be able to plan. The Government has not given them a chance to do this. Last minute announcements and the lack of a long-term plan has had disastrous consequences.”

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