Supporting local pubs

Marie pledged support for the Long Live the Local campaign to help pubs and breweries in St Helens South and Whiston recover and thrive.

There are over 170,000 members of the public who have signed the petition so far.

Marie said: “Pubs are at the heart of local communities. They are wonderful to celebrate family occasions, watch a sporting event, or even just to relieve a bit of stress after a long day at work. The pandemic was very tough on pubs and the Government needs to make sure that pubs are supported through their recovery.”

Emma McClarkin, Chief Executive of the British Beer and Pub Association, said: “The Long Live the Local Campaign not only celebrates the important role pubs play in Britain but also seeks to remind people that we cannot take them for granted. That is why we are calling on the Government to invest in pubs and breweries through the reform of the unfair tax burden.”

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